ChatGPT summary

Name: Andrei Lupu
Occupation: Full Stack Web Developer
Location: Romania

Experienced web developer with a passion for coding and a strong background in WordPress development. Skilled in creating Gutenberg Blocks, advanced UI controls, and integrating WooCommerce features. Open-source advocate and contributor to Strong leadership skills as a Lead Web Developer, overseeing technical departments and managing a WooCommerce shop with thousands of customers. Proficient in backend development, plugin creation, and implementing testing systems. Excellent communication and presentation skills.

The real CV

My name is Andrei Lupu, and I am a web developer, father, chef(for my family only), and blogger from time to time. I could be described as a code nerd, web enthusiast, WordPress fanboy, and a challenge seeker or metaphorically confused with a system that turns coffee and music into code/software.


Full Stack Developer – Extend Studio

2020 – 2023

  • My main focus was Kubio Builder, a fresh and free(with Pro version) FSE blocks builder that highly extended the WordPress Blocks editor.
  • I was responsible for creating Gutenberg Blocks, advanced UI controls for style or content, and general UI features.
  • I worked on the integration between Kubio and WooCommerce features like Product Editor and creating meta-features like Swatches.
  • Also, I had the chance to work on client-oriented features like saving template snippets in the cloud or entire template backups.

Lead Web Developer – Astoundify Inc

2019 – 2020

  • At Astoundify, I took the role of the Lead Developer with responsibility for all the technical departments like Front-end, Back-end, DevOps, or Q.A.
  • The company had 4 popular WordPress premium themes and its own shop with 10 WordPress plugins. I was also responsible for the maintenance of the WooCommerce shop(with Digital Downloads), based on monthly subscriptions, and thousands of customers.

Open-Source Advocate –

2018 – 2019

  • For a short period, I stepped back from working day-to-day for an employer to do some things closer to my heart, which is contributing to open-source.
  • I helped test WordPress version 5.0 and sent small PR code contributions.
  • I kept my first public talk at WordCamp Bucharest about “Before and Beyond Gutenberg”, and I discovered that I like presenting new things.
  • At the Contributor Day, I held a workshop in front of 30 people, and we learned together how to create Gutenberg Blocks for about 4 hours.

Web Engineer – ThemeIsle

2017 – 2018

  • I had a great time collaborating with the ThemeIsle team on: WordPress plugins like OrbitFox and back-end features for different add-ons, server-side utilities, and tools like image optimization, dockerized WordPress instances, or OAuth1 authentications.
  • Gutenberg transition. I converted their shortcodes and Elementor widgets into Gutenberg blocks.
  • My favorite hackathon project; a tool built with WordPressREST API, React, Redux, and dictionary APIs.

Full Stack Developer – Pixelgrade

2012 – 2017

  • I joined Pixelgrade from the beginning of the company, and we worked very hard to turn a small start-up into a big player in the Templates market.
  • I ensured the backend development for 18 WordPress themes and made them compliant with ThemeForest and coding standards.
  • To enrich features for the WordPress themes above, I architectured 11 WordPress plugins and made them respond to themes needs. The majority of these plugins are still on and GitHub as open-source projects.
  • I created a visual regression testing system with a Slack Bot and Wraith so anyone could request in Slack for a visual test between the production version of a theme and a specific development branch.
  • For the company’s products, I’ve created a User Onboarding system similar to the WooCommerce one, but with ReactJS and WPOAuth1
  • I’ve held in-house presentations about WordPress development, unit testing, visual testing, team relationships, and other topics that I was exploring.
  • Periodically, I’ve kept daily workshops for new-commers or support colleagues, who wanted to learn the WordPress ecosystem or development tips and tricks.

Web Developer – Verycreative

2011 – 2012

  • My first employer where I met WordPress for the first time but also a learning ramp. In one year I went from scratching the surface of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP to deep WordPress hooks or AJAX filters and jQuery complex scripts.

Web Developer Freelancer

2010 – 2011

  • My journey in web development started with me creating Joomla websites for local clients.


Generally, I work as a Back-End Developer, but lately, I started to enjoy working with interfaces built on ReactJS and I like to think that I’m also improving myself in areas like Front-End performance, Code Quality, customer service or Team-Management and I never back down from the opportunity to research a new domain.


I’m a big fan of video games, even better if they are multi-player and I can enjoy them with my friends. I also stream my gaming experience from time to time on

Snowboarding is a passion that I rarely have the chance to practice, but when I’m on a board in the mountains I’m like a child in a cookie store.

Soccer is a passion that stuck with me from high school when I played in the junior professional league. Now it’s only about Thursday nights and matches with my friends.

I can’t call myself a Chef, but I certainly know that spending time in the kitchen is a relaxing time for me and I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.

Even if it’s about going to a WordCamp, conference, or going with my wife on a warm vacation I love traveling in the same way especially if I’m discovering new beautiful places.


I am available for hiring full-time, project-based collaborations or volunteering for open-source projects. I’m always happy to chat or discuss anything, and I generally prefer the human way rather than a corporate style.

I’m not available at this time, sorry.